Fire Commissioners

The Westville Fire District #1 was formed in July of 1989. The Board of Fire Commissioners serves as the Fire District’s governing body and manages administration. The length of a Fire Commissioner’s term is three years, terms being staggered so that no more than two terms expire in any given year. An annual public election for Fire Commissioners as well as approval of the proposed annual operating budget is conducted on the third Saturday in February, as mandated by NJ Statutes. The Fire District develops its own budget and raises funding via taxation.

The Board of Fire Commissioners also oversees the Bureau of Fire Prevention which is managed by the Fire Official. The Bureau of Fire Prevention, under the direction of the Fire Official, James Tucker, is responsible for all fire code enforcement, fire investigations and fire prevention education.

During daytime hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm), the Career Staff is used to supplement the volunteer force to ensure that the Fire Department can respond to all emergency assignments with adequate personnel.

The Fire District meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month beginning at 1900hrs (7:00pm), the meetings are announced in the local papers accordance with the law, the meetings are held in the fire department meeting room at 836 Broadway in Westville, NJ, unless otherwise announced.