In 1987, the Borough of Westville was covered by two separate Fire Companies, the Union and Independent Fire Companies. Due to the dwindling amount of volunteers and extremely tight budgets, the two Companies began talk about merging and consolidating to one Department. With unanimous votes by both Companies, the Westville Fire Department was organized in October of 1987. All consolidation and preparations were started.
On the first Thursday November, 1987, a single set of Administrative and Operational Officers were elected into office. January 1, 1988, the two Fire Companies were incorporated into the Westville Fire Department and the names Union and Independent and Station 7-1 and Station 7-2, were no longer to be used. The new Station Number was to be Station 7-3.
The two buildings were kept and all members responded the station closest to their residence. All non-firematic activities were moved to the station located at Broadway and Pine Street (Known as the the North Station). The station located at Broadway and Olive Street was known as the South Station. The first run for the new Department was a vehicle fire on Interstate Route 295 on January 3, 1988.
Due to an increasing cost of maintaining both Buildings and all of the equipment, the members voted to move the equipment and Fire Department activities from the North Station to the South Station, also placing the oldest Engine for sale.
In 1989, The Westville Fire District was established due to the increasing cost of maintaining the equipment and insurance. The Westville Fire Department donated all of the fire apparatus and equipment to the Fire District, thus saving the taxpayers an enormous amount of money. The Fire District’s first major purchase was a 1991 Horton Ambulance to replace the 1982 Braun Ambulance.
The District the purchased a 1991 E-One 75′ Aerial Ladder Truck with a 1500 GPM Pump, replacing two trucks, a 1976 Mack 1000 GPM and 1953 Maxim 75′ Aerial Ladder Truck, saving much needed money on maintenance costs.
When the Fire District announced that they wanted to purchase a new Aerial Truck, the Fire Department was faced with a problem, the Aerial Truck had a riding height of ten foot three inches and the front bay doors of the Fire House were only nine foot eight inches. The only choice was to renovate the engine room and the three front bay doors, this giving the Westville Fire Department their new look. While this renovation was being completed, the Fire District took delivery of the new Aerial Truck and thus the North Station was returned to service. On February 21, 1992, this Aerial Truck was housed in the South Station.
In July of 1991, an Insignia was designed to be placed on all new apparatus signifying the Unity of the Department and thus, a Maltese Cross with a flaming number 7 in the middle, the Department’s and District’s Name on it and the new slogan “Pride Protecting People” was established. Most recently, in 2011, the slogan was replaced with “Gateway to South Jersey”, reflecting the motto of the town. As apparatus is replaced, the design will be updated. The Insignia is now on all stationary.
As of this date the Westville Fire Department has grown from forty-eight Members in 1907 to one hundred and thirty plus Members, from Senior, Junior, Life Exempt, to Honorary Members proudly serving our Community.